(18-3) PRESIDENTS MESSAGE By Peter Bradish
We are finally on the road and have plans to attend the FGS Conference in Salt Lake City in the week following Labor Day. Maybe we'll see one or two of you there, we hope so. FGS and NGS conferences are always educational and we would encourage any and all of you to try to attend at least one. FGS has probably had the closest one (in Orlando not long ago) but if you can combine a trip to see a relative or friend (and hopefully bum a place to stay) with a conference you will not regret the experience. As a genealogical friend of ours once said in his seminar, "Conferences are 50% seminars, 50% vendors and 50% talking to other people there."
Fall is coming and so is cooler weather. It will give us all a chance to move forward with photographing stones in central Brevard cemeteries. It will also be a relief to not need to depend on air conditioning. We can let fresh air in and this always stimulates the brain to higher levels for our personal research efforts.
We will return by Halloween so don't be concerned when you don't see us at the September and October meetings. At the October meeting we plan to present the candidates for society officers and committee chairmen. If you would like to run for an office, please contact Doug Burnett our Nominating Committee Chairman. If you don't have an urge to hold an office, please consider becoming a member of one of the committees. We always need new ideas, and society members are our most valuable resource in this respect.
So, until November, happy ancestor hunting... Peter Bradish
Fall is coming and so is cooler weather. It will give us all a chance to move forward with photographing stones in central Brevard cemeteries. It will also be a relief to not need to depend on air conditioning. We can let fresh air in and this always stimulates the brain to higher levels for our personal research efforts.
We will return by Halloween so don't be concerned when you don't see us at the September and October meetings. At the October meeting we plan to present the candidates for society officers and committee chairmen. If you would like to run for an office, please contact Doug Burnett our Nominating Committee Chairman. If you don't have an urge to hold an office, please consider becoming a member of one of the committees. We always need new ideas, and society members are our most valuable resource in this respect.
So, until November, happy ancestor hunting... Peter Bradish
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